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I recently saw this post on Facebook and I wanted to share it. This is something as attorneys we see too often and I thought it a worthwhile reminder…

“I cannot stress enough, how important it is to have the conversation with your family about your final wishes. Have a will in place, organize your financial documents for your loved ones, write down simple wishes such as items to be given to specific members of the family or just details of your funeral wishes. As times, situations change, keep these documents updated. It’s such an extremely stressful time for everyone and even more so when some of these items are left unsaid. It’s very hard to take emotions out of the situation when there are so many emotional details to attend to after someone’s passing. This has been the hardest past two weeks of my life; last night and today just topped it off… but I’m sure there are more to come. I’ll get through them one step at a time.

Please, I beg you; friends and family – have that difficult conversation. You and your loved ones will be grateful that you did”

We are all procrastinators to some degree.  Some of us may put small matters off for a few extra days, like grocery shopping or mowing the lawn, while others go by the old saying, why do today what I can put off till next year.  This is fun to joke about; however, when it comes to the legal consequences of procrastination, it can be devastating.

In our law firm we see so many lives changed forever by someone’s procrastination.  We hear on a daily basis, “if dad, mom, a spouse, or a business partner, etc., would not have put this off then we would not be in this horrible predicament.  It is so true in almost any area of the law.  People love to put off making a Last Will and Testament, signing a Power of Attorney, having important business documents drafted, or pursuing a case where someone has legally wronged them.

Legal procrastination can cause family members unbelievable amounts of additional stress and expense in a very challenging time of their lives.   It is not uncommon to see people inadvertently left out of an inheritance or see families fighting after a loved one’s death that could have been avoided if it were not for the procrastination of the deceased.  Also, we see people forced to get conservatorships and guardianships in the court room – something that may have been avoided by the more timely hiring of an attorney.  Almost daily, we see what would be valid legal claims that are barred by the statute of limitations because the individual did not seek an attorney in time.  When it comes to washing your car or getting a haircut, please feel free to procrastinate, but for important legal matters please contact an attorney today and take the appropriate legal steps to Secure Your Peace of Mind and protect your family.



Keep in mind…this service can also be taken advantage of by real estate agents, lenders, and other vendors who are all valuable parts of the closing process.

We look forward to securing your peace of mind in new ways!