News Archives - Tressler Associates

Tressler & Associates, PLLC is thrilled to announce the launch of its new website, The redesign is part of Tressler’s rebranding initiative, which aims to deliver a more approachable legal experience to clients and the community. 

The new website features new navigation highlighting the law firm’s practice areas and pricing while inviting users to learn more about the Tressler brand and team. The site also features sister title and escrow company Tressler Title, LCC. To add more value to this client-centric experience, users can now search available resources on various legal, business, and real estate topics including: blogs, news, and free digital downloads.

The website content is easy to navigate and users can quickly locate the answers they need without sifting through pages of information. 

“Our new website affirms our commitment to offering approachable legal services to our community,” said Todd Tressler, Founder, and CEO of Tressler & Associates, PLLC. “Our new brand and website reflect who we really are. The content connects directly with our users and where they are in the discovery process. Every click brings them to the next level of discovery without unnecessary pages of overwhelming legal and industry jargon. We instead invite our users to explore our catalog of resources to learn more about our areas of expertise and topics that are of interest and help to them,” he added. 

Since its inception, Tressler & Associates has maintained its commitment to being different from traditional law firms. 

“Our new website offers an online brand experience unlike traditional law firms in our market,” said Megan Climer, Chief Marketing Officer of Tressler and Associates, PLLC. “My goal was to ensure our design not only told our brand story but also offered our users an intuitive content experience. I want our content to direct and guide our users down a logical path to their next steps. We are excited to see how everyone interacts with our new design,” she added. 

Tressler & Associates invites visitors to explore their new website at to learn more about their legal services, title services, pricing, brand story and educational resources

Tressler & Associates, PLLC today announced the launch of a new range of bundled legal services available to clients in Tennessee. The new line of legal services consists of five affordable bundles, including new business set up for rising entrepreneurs, contract review, estate planning, legal advice, as well as a real estate bundle for property owners who choose to sell without broker representation. 

The legal bundles are the first product launch since the company began in November 2009.  

“I am so pleased our firm is able to offer a new legal experience to our community,” said Todd Tressler, Founder and CEO of Tressler & Associates, PLLC. “I founded Tressler & Associates to help bring compassion, service and honor back to the profession I love. Our flat fees and bundles offer our community legal solutions that are both approachable and accessible. Our new approach breaks down industry barriers and provides an opportunity to rebuild trust in the legal profession and meet a need, ” he added.

Since its inception, Tressler & Associates has maintained its commitment to be different from traditional law firms. 

“Too often people are afraid to contact a law firm because they assume the costs are too high, the services are too hard to understand, and the attorneys are too out of touch, ” said Megan Climer, Chief Marketing Officer of Tressler and Associates, PLLC. “We believe our clients deserve access to legal solutions with the highest standard of legal expertise without the fear of unknown financial commitments. By reviewing our most requested services, we have been able to create focused service bundles that include all the legal documentation, experienced counsel and support our clients need to resolve their matters without the worry of costly hourly fees.”

The firm’s practice is focused in business law, estate planning and real estate law. Tressler openly publishes their pricing and fees for their services on their website. 

“It’s not often you find prices listed on a law firm’s website, ” said Tressler, “but we’re not like most law firms. We understand people make better decisions when they are fully informed, which is why we openly share our pricing and fees. We want people to feel confident before making a decision. We never want the fear of costs to prevent our team from helping others.”

In the coming weeks, Tressler plans to release a series of free digital resources to offer more education around their bundles and practice areas. Digital downloads, blogs, webinars and a new podcast will be available on their new website which launched in March 2023. 

For more information about Tressler & Associates, PLLC legal services and bundles visit

An Interview with CMO Megan Climer


Learn how Chief Marketing Officer Megan Climer transformed the Tressler brand and her advice to business owners considering a brand refresh. 

A new role brings new opportunities

When Megan Climer joined Tressler & Associates in August 2022, she was eager to dive into brand development. Just a couple of weeks into her new role, she began to see opportunities for Tressler to differentiate itself from other law firms in the market. In this interview, she explains what makes a brand and shares how she developed their new visual identity. 

Most people think a brand is a name and logo. How do you define a brand?

Their definition isn’t wrong, just incomplete. I have spent the majority of my professional career learning what makes a great brand. A brand is a name and a logo, but I believe it offers so much more. Your brand is your unique identity. And like a person, it has exterior and interior attributes and characteristics that make it identifiable to the world. Like a person, a brand has dreams and a purpose (a vision and a mission), values, a personality, a voice, a story, and an overall essence or feeling. Really, a brand is powerful. It is the foundation that informs and supports your overall business strategy. And it can be your most valuable asset for managing growth. 

What did you do first to start developing the new brand?

The first thing I did was take a detailed look at our competition and the overall market. It sounds counterintuitive to spend your time analyzing everyone else, but a competitive analysis is critical to building a brand. By evaluating our competitors, I learned where we fit into the market and the unique opportunities we had to stand out. 

What did you do after you finished the competitor analysis?

The next thing I did was complete an audit of our brand. I reviewed the competitor data to see how we measured up, which is always an eye opening experience. It allowed me to see where our brand was falling short and where we had opportunities to shine. 

Like many service industries, the legal industry lacks uniqueness. The brand landscape looks very similar in both styling and messaging. I have always said that if everyone else is saying it, it probably isn’t worth saying. Industry platitudes and buzz words become expectations, not differentiators. I knew if we were committed to being different from traditional law firms, our brand had to look and feel different from a traditional law firm. It was our time to break away from the industry brand “standards” and offer a new brand experience. 

What inspired the new logo?

After comparing and analyzing for several weeks, I began to brainstorm ideas for how our brand style could be unique. I knew right away what visual elements did not fit our brand personality and what opportunities were available to stand out among our competitors. 

I also spoke with Todd and Lisa about our culture and brand personality to get a sense of who we are and what a Tressler brand experience feels like. Todd shared some of his grandfather’s old business papers with an added sticky note that said “brand inspo.” From all of this I began to visualize what our brand style could be. Using combinations of color, texture, pattern, typography, photography, videography, illustration and tone, you can build a complete brand identity that is unique and powerful. I pulled inspo from lots of visuals and created a mood board that kick-started my design.

What did you design first?

I started with our typography. Almost all of our competitors use typography that is traditional and serious in tone. It just made sense to try to design our logo icon using lower case letters. By making the “ta” lowercase, it now feels more approachable, accessible and warm, all things we believe make up the Tressler experience. The lowercase nods to the era of typewriters (inspo from the old papers) and adds a vintage flair to the brand. I used a sans type as our accent font instead of a traditional all caps serif for our business name. Our brand now feels modernized and more relevant to today’s consumer. 

Tressler brand refresh side by side comparison

It’s great to learn the logic behind the letters. What led you to choose orange as your new brand color?

This part was fun. Color psychology is actually a thing, and it is fascinating! Did you know color works at a subconscious level faster than words or images and creates a gut response? So color choices matter. For us, our previous brand colors were black, red and gray. This overall palette communicated a more bold, corporate, serious and traditional feel all things we believe do not represent who we are. It was also a common color palette used by others in our industry. By changing our colors, we could instantly add visual uniqueness and more accurately communicate our brand personality and essence to our target audience. 

Here are some of the insights that influenced this decision. Orange is known as a creative, abundant, positive, passionate, secure and comforting color. The redder tones of orange can communicate strength, stamina and determination, and brown is a color that is viewed as grounding, reliable, balanced, honest, sincere and warm. From all of these attributes, we developed the Tressler orange. 

What can we expect next from the Tressler brand?

We are so excited for what is to come! We just launched our new website this month. Our website partner FortyAU, helped me bring our new brand experience to life. Our website showcases our new look, but more importantly, offers a user experience unlike anyone else in our market. 

Our social media will also see a refresh. These platforms will continue to be a place we tell our story and engage in meaningful ways with our audiences. Our team also plans to release a series of free digital resources to offer more education around our practice areas to include; digital downloads, blogs, webinars and a new podcast. These extra resources will all be available on our website. As a marketer, I live in creative mode. A new brand offers so many opportunities to educate, entertain and add value to our audience. 

What advice do you have for business owners considering a brand refresh?

Wow, that could be a whole other interview! But I’ll do my best to keep this short. Maybe we’ll answer in more detail on a future podcast. (smiles and winks)

1. Define your goals.

When starting any new project having a goal in mind is always a great first step. Why are you choosing to work on your brand? Defining what you want your brand to do for your business will help you create a brand identity that delivers results. Are you a start-up preparing to launch, or are you a small business getting ready to roll out a new product or service? Are you trying to stay competitive and looking for ways to gain more market share, or do you already have a brand but feel it’s time for a makeover? No matter what your reasons are, declaring your motives will enable you to set goals and stay focused as you work through the process. 

2. Do the research.

Get to know your target customer and analyze your competition. I didn’t mention customer analysis earlier, but they also influence and impact your identity. Because the truth is, without our customers, we have no business. A deep dive into their personality and habits can help you learn what will resonate most with them. Knowing your competition is powerful. An analysis will take some time to complete, but it is insight you can use to position your brand for lasting success in your market. 

3. Be true to who you are.

Know who you are and who you want to be. Your brand is more than a hip logo or slackline. Your brand is your story, your personality, your values, your mission and much more! It is an experience, and one that should be all your own. Your brand can do so many things for your business. It should set you apart, communicate a clear message, tell a story, build credibility, connect with your audience, motivate action, create memorable experiences and loyal fans. You can start your brand refresh today by doing a simple brand audit. Ask yourself how your brand is doing? How well does it do all the things listed above? Where are there opportunities to improve, and where can YOU shine? 

About Megan

As Chief Marketing Officer of Tresler & Associates, Megan leads the marketing, communication and development initiatives for the Tressler brands. She works to strengthen the company’s position as a trusted leader in the legal and real estate industries. 

Megan is an award winning web and graphic designer and writer with nearly two decades of business to consumer experience with large and small organizations in marketing, communications, business development, public relations, advertising and brand innovation. She’s an experienced consultant, working with large and small businesses in brand development and marketing strategy and leads brand development workshops for rising and seasoned entrepreneurs. Megan is currently working to complete her first book on brand development estimated for release in late 2024. 

Megan is always happy to talk shop about branding. You can follow her on Instagram @mlclimer or reach out to her directly at

Tressler & Associates, PLLC, and Tressler Title, LLC are adding to their leadership team with the appointment of Megan Climer as Chief Marketing Officer. 

Climer is a talented brand and marketing expert who brings nearly two decades of business to consumer expertise and experience with large and small organizations in marketing, communications, business development, public relations, advertising and brand innovation. 

Todd Tressler is pleased about the company’s new addition. 

“I am super excited Megan is joining our team,” Tressler said. “We have spent the last four years reshaping our organization for its next phase of success. Adding Megan to our leadership team is exactly the type of strategic growth we are ready for. She brings a diverse set of skills and talents along with an energy and attitude every business owner wants on their team. Having her take the reins of our marketing strategy will enable us to continue to grow and thrive in both the short and long term. Most importantly, Megan represents our team values and core beliefs which is a trait you simply can’t train someone to obtain. They either possess them or they don’t.” 

As Tressler’s Chief Marketing Officer, Climer will lead all marketing, communication and development efforts, as well as the brand’s digital marketing initiatives. She will be responsible for developing and executing strategies that advance the Tressler brands and strengthen the company’s position as a trusted leader in the legal and real estate industries.  

Climer is excited to join the Tressler team. 

“I’m thrilled to be joining Tressler & Associates, PLLC and Tressler Title, LLC during this pivotal season of growth and vision,” Climer said. “I had the pleasure of working with Todd and his team as a strategic brand and marketing consultant in 2014. I admire all the work he has done to position his business for success. My entire career has been in marketing and development. I am grateful for each opportunity that has prepared me for this new leadership role.”

Climer most recently served on the Marketing and Communications team at Cumberland University, where she was responsible for driving the development, ideation and strategic planning of marketing solutions to develop and execute against the university’s long-term growth plan. This included a specific focus on brand strategy, brand building, offer development, creative ideation and design, messaging, media placement, and all related broad-reach communication. 

Climer will report directly to Todd Tressler, Owner, and CEO of Tressler & Associates, PLLC and Tressler Title, LLC, and will serve on the Tressler leadership team. 

What does it mean to be community-focused?

For Tressler & Associates it means we work every day to care for and support the people and organizations that make our community home. Our commitment to transform civic service with faith, love and gratitude impacts every decision we make. Because we believe true civic duty goes beyond our job descriptions – it reaches out and finds where there is a need.

There are many ways we can serve one another in our hometowns. At Tressler & Associates, we put our hearts into action with three important organizations who do incredible work to support and educate our local community.

The Joshua Chamberlain Society

The Joshua Chamberlain Society adopts wounded veterans and the families of deceased veterans and commits to providing support for the long term.

When American service members are wounded in combat, their lives are changed forever. And when our service members make the ultimate sacrifice, their families need support and security. The Joshua Chamberlain Society helps severely wounded veterans live full, vibrant lives despite their injuries. They ensure the families of the fallen are offered support and security today and in the future.

With the help of generous donors, JCS “adopts” severely wounded veterans – those who have suffered traumatic brain injuries, lost a limb or multiple limbs, or both – as well as the families of those service members who sacrificed their lives in service to our country. JCS provides real, tangible support for these individuals and families not only in the present, but also five, ten, twenty or more years down the line. Years from now, they will still feel the support of a community grateful for their sacrifices.

To learn more or join us in supporting the Joshua Chamberlain Society visit

Empower Me Center

Empower Me Center transforms the lives of individuals with special needs through activities and opportunities for growth in a safe, secure environment while providing community education on disabilities and inclusiveness.

At Empower Me Center, they create opportunities in an accepting, therapeutic space year-round that caters to the needs of all their participants and provides them with the same opportunities as those in their peer groups without disabilities. They offer six weekly summer day camp sessions and other year-round activities personalized to meet individuals’ behavioral and medical needs. Each program provides a safe, positive learning and social environment for children and young adults ages five years and older.

Empower Me Center works with individuals with disabilities including, but not limited to: Autism, Cerebral Palsy, Cancer, Epilepsy, Fragile X Syndrome, Post Traumatic Stress Disorder from physical or sexual abuse, Bipolar Disorder, ADHD, Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder, Depression, Blindness, Deafness, Microencephaly, and Schizophrenia, Down Syndrome, Tuberous Sclerosis, Smith-Magenis Syndrome, and Angelman Syndrome.

To learn more or join us in supporting Empower Me Center visit

The Tennessee Arts Academy

The Tennessee Arts Academy is the nation’s premier professional development institute for arts educations. A program of the Tennessee Department of Education, the Academy has been held annually since 1986 at Belmont University in Nashville, Tennessee.

The Academy trains more than 325 educators each summer, directly impacting 150,000 to 200,000 students each year in classrooms across the country. Since 1986, more than 7500 teachers trained by TAA have touched the lives of over 3 million students. Teachers return to the classroom better equipped to provide Tennessee students with the necessary skills and experiences to become creative and productive members of our workforce and society.

To learn more or join us in supporting The Tennessee Arts Academy visit

A Community Focused

Building a community starts with awareness – awareness of self and of others. To identify where we could impact our community, we spent some time to answer these three questions:

You can answer these same questions. We can all be a community focused on putting our hearts in action, and together, we can build a community we all love to call home.

We are pleased to announce that for all our clients closing on their real estate purchase or sale with Tressler Title, we are now offering an assessment of your Estate Documents at the same time, with an attorney from Tressler & Associates, PLLC,  for a low flat fee.

Closing on a property is often an important time to amend your existing estate documents. For those without any existing documents it is a great time to handle it as you can sign both documents in one visit to our office!


An Attorney at Tressler & Associates, PLLC, will first review your Buyer or Seller’s estate documents during the course of their closing with Tressler Title. Then the attorney will schedule a phone call with your Buyer or Seller to discuss any updates that may be needed or desired, especially in light of the closing.  If new or amended documents are needed, they can be signed at closing! That’s right, close on real estate and update (or create) estate documents all at once.


The cost for a review and phone call with an attorney is $250.00, however, if additional documents or amendments are needed, the $250.00 fee will be applied towards the total cost of the documents.  All fees for this service can usually be paid through the closing itself.



Keep in mind…this service can also be taken advantage of by real estate agents, lenders, and other vendors who are all valuable parts of the closing process.

We look forward to securing your peace of mind in new ways!

Tressler & Associates, Law Firm, is committed to supporting our communities and our youth, after all, they are our future.  This year we are delighted to have the opportunity to sponsor and support two rising leaders from Blackman High School, to attend Boy’s and Girl’s State this summer.

“The American Legion Boys State and American Legion Auxiliary Girl’s State are premier programs for teaching how government works while developing leadership skills & an appreciation for your rights as a citizen. As a participant in the program you, will run for office, learn public speaking, create and enforce laws and actively participate in all phases of creating and running a working government in this exciting and fun summer program”.

During this week long program, Daniel and Jeanette will have the opportunity to meet and develop lifelong friendships with other public service enthusiast and driven young leaders from all across the state, that will help to shape the future of our communities for years to come.

Daniel is a bright 11th grade student from Puerto Rico, who has exemplified exceptional people skills making leadership a natural fit.  Daniel’s father serves as an analyst for the United Nations.  The Boy’s State will be held at Tennessee Tech University beginning May 23rd.

Jeanette is also an exceptional junior at Blackman, holding an impressive 4.0 grade average.  She has proven to be very intuitive in group situations making her a great leader.  Girl’s State will be held this year at Lipscomb University also beginning May 23rd.

We are very proud to support these two young leaders, and know their futures in leadership will make our communities continue to thrive!  Congratulations Daniel and Jeanette!  We wish you both the best of luck, and we thank you for your passion and dedication to public service.

You can learn more about this amazing opportunity for our communities young leaders at

We want to thank everyone who came out to celebrate with us for our 5 year Anniversary bash! We also want to thank each and every one of you who have supported us along the way, worked with us and been a part of our success. We look forward to serving you for many more years to come. We had a great evening surrounded by friends, family and business partners. We were honored to hear from Jodi McCullah of SAFE (Soldiers And Families Embraced)JT Cooper and Opal Justice for sharing their message with us and the stories of those servicemen who fought for our nation. We were entertained by Charles “Wigg” Walker and the Wigg Band. We had fun at the photo booth provided by Out of the Box and refreshments from Acme Feed & Seed. It was a fun evening of conversation, celebration and a lawyer or two showing off some dance moves.

Our theme for the evening was “Thankfulness” and we enjoyed reading the notes you left on our wall. We were inspired to read all that you were appreciative of this past year. It was great to hear such positive messages and to focus on our many blessings. It is easy to get caught up in the small stresses of our busy lives and it is always a positive thing to step back and realize all we have to be thankful for.

We have a lot of things coming up in the New Year. We just released our new website and our blog. Keep any eye on this as we hope to bring you all a wealth of helpful information that we hope will be truly useful to you. We are also in process of building out our second location in Mt. Juliet and hope to announce its official opening early in 2015. We have great aspirations for next year and once again thank you for your continued support; we couldn’t do it without you!

Here are a few photos from the night. To see the full gallery of pictures Click Here.

(Special thanks and photo credit to Melodie Purcell with Angel Wings Photography)