Blogs - Page 2 of 7 - Tressler Associates


A Plan for the Future
A Plan for the Future
Everyone needs to have their estate plans in order, regardless of their age and health. Many people delay planning their...
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What is a Real Estate Investment Trust (REIT)?
What is a Real Estate Investment Trust (REIT)?
Real estate investment trusts (REITs) are not typically something you’ll hear about unless you’re deep into the world of investment...
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Angel Round Financing vs. Crowd-Sourced Financing
Angel Round Financing vs. Crowd-Sourced Financing
Most people don’t have the cash they need to start a business, so they get funding from lenders. If a...
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What Are All the Types of NDAs?
What Are All the Types of NDAs?
There’s never just one of anything. In contract law, this is especially true, and non-disclosure agreements (NDAs) are the perfect...
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What is an SBA Loan?
What is an SBA Loan?
Loans and payouts aren’t only for incredibly wealthy and successful multi-billion dollar businesses. For small businesses, there is what is...
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When Should You Settle a Lawsuit?
When Should You Settle a Lawsuit?
You’ve spent months and months of your life preparing for your lawsuit. Whether it be against a former employer, a...
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5 Important Business Documents For a Startup
5 Important Business Documents For a Startup
Starting a new business is exciting. It’s taking your life path and swerving off to make a new one for...
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What Are the Risks of Buying a Business?
What Are the Risks of Buying a Business?
Starting a business is one of the hardest things you will ever do, and running a business is a close...
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Who Cannot Sign an NDA?
Who Cannot Sign an NDA?
Non-disclosure agreements (NDA) are designed to protect your business’s intellectual property. When you operate a business, you likely have some...
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