From the Founder: What 2023 Taught Me
“There are two ways to live: as if nothing is a miracle, or as if everything is a miracle.” Albert…
Procrastination and the Legal Result
I recently saw this post on Facebook and I wanted to share it. This is something as attorneys we see...
Learn more02/15/2023
Real Estate Transactions and Estates
We have seen many situations where a real estate contract is signed just before something goes wrong. Many discover that...
Learn more02/15/2023
Witness Requirements for a Will in Tennessee
One of the main issues that I see with a Last Will and Testament people can create online or not...
Learn more02/15/2023
Nuncupative Will Requirements
In a prior post, we discussed the witness requirements in Tennessee for a traditional, typed-out will. Now we will discuss...
Learn more02/15/2023
Holographic Will Requirements in Tennessee
In my prior two blogs, I discussed the witness requirements in Tennessee for a traditional, typed out will, and a...
Learn more02/15/2023
LLC’s – Easier Formed Than Run?
Technology and the internet have streamlined so many “official” processes that used to require hardcopy forms, the antiquated postage stamp, and...
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